Flavorwire has an exclusive new look at Sam Heughan portraying Jamie Fraser in Outlander, which you can check out HERE! In the video, we get a hot bunch of Sam-centric clips to feast our eyes upon. Good night, indeed!
10 New “Outlander” Q&A Videos Featuring Sam & Cait
Final “Speak Outlander” Video Leaves Us Aflutter
New “Outlander” Book-to-Series Featurette
Thanks to our friends over at Page to Premiere, we have a lovely, shiny new Outlander featurette to obsess over. In the video, Diana and Ron talk about the journey the series has taken from book to TV show, and there are several new clips to get us by until the show premieres next month. Enjoy!
Caitriona Answers Your Burning Question: Tea or Coffee?
New “Outlander” Trailer From SoHo TV!
Oh, happy day! Thanks to SoHo TV, we now have a wonderful new Outlander trailer to feast our eyes upon, and it has loads of lovely new footage featuring Sam, Caitriona, and the gang. Check out all of the wonderful new footage in the video below.
Outlander. Trailer #2 from Italian Outlanders on Vimeo.
Sam & Caitriona’s Co-Star Challenge
“Outlander” Cast Talks Sexiest Gaelic Words
Speak Outlander Lesson 11: Sláinte Mhath!
New Behind-the-Scenes “Outlander” Video
Happy Saturday to us! Starz has just released a new behind-the-scenes video from the set of Outlander, which features an inside look at the show, including some great new footage of some of the characters. Check out the video below to see some amazing new footage of Claire, Jamie, and all of your Outlander favorites!
Do you have a favorite new favorite moment from the new footage?